When you spend your time, effort and money on skin treatments like Botox or dermal fillers, you want to be sure that you are going to be able to make your results worthwhile. At Dr. Andrews Plastic Surgery, we also know that you are going to love your results so much that you will want to make sure your skin remains wrinkle-free for as long as possible. While injectables are temporary — typically lasting around six to nine months, depending on the treatment — they come with very few complications and side effects, which means they pair well with skin care techniques that can make your results even better and longer-lasting. We encourage our injectable clients to use the right products and techniques to enhance the anti-aging effects of Botox or fillers and to protect their skin from further harm, both of which can ensure that you will still feel confident in your skin even after your results begin to fade.
Be Gentle With Your Skin
As your skin adjusts to your injectables over your first few days after treatment, it is a good idea to avoid harsh products in your skin care routine like physical exfoliants or drying face masks. You do not want to constrict or roughen your skin, especially while your injectable is still settling into its place. This will also depend on the type of injectable treatment you receive. Most plastic surgeons agree that after one to two hours post-Botox treatment, you can resume all normal skin care activities. However, some dermal fillers can leave your skin feeling sensitive and even slightly bruised for your first day or two, so you should be sure to avoid rubbing or pressing to ensure you do not cause yourself any pain or discomfort. Allow your dermal fillers to settle in fully before adding scrubs and massage oils back to your skin care regimen.
Keep Up Your Anti-Aging Routine
Skin care products with ingredients like Vitamin A (Tretinoin or Retin-A) and Vitamin C are excellent options to maximize the results from Botox or fillers. If you already use anti-aging products, they likely contain one of these ingredients — known for their wrinkle-reducing and brightening properties, Vitamins A and C are very popular in modern skin care. You can continue to use these products as you usually do, or you can talk with your plastic surgeon or dermatologist about particular brands with these ingredients that they recommend. Vitamin A treatments can be a little harsh on your skin if you have never used them before, so be sure to consult with your surgeon before using one immediately after having injectable treatments. Vitamin C is usually a very gentle and moisturizing option, though, so adding a serum or cream with this ingredient is encouraged following Botox or fillers.
Protect Your Skin From Damage
Protecting your skin from the elements is the best way you can reduce and prevent skin concerns like wrinkles, dark spots and dryness. Sun exposure is guaranteed to make the results of your injectables wear off faster, or cause further damage to your skin that your treatments cannot hide. Sunscreen should be an essential part of your skin care routine every day, even if it is cloudy or you will not be spending much time outside. UV rays can reach and damage your skin even if you do not get a sunburn or a tan, leaving your skin and structural proteins vulnerable to a host of problems like hyperpigmentation and collapse. You should also be sure to use a high-quality occlusive moisturizer in colder, windier climates to keep your skin hydrated and protected from physical damage like chapping or windburn. Ingredients like silicones and shea butter form a barrier over your skin to trap moisture inside and keep the air from chafing at your face.
At Dr. Andrews Plastic Surgery, we are committed to making sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your treatments with us, whether you choose a simple injectable or a full cosmetic surgery. To learn more about the services we offer at our Coralville and Cedar Rapids, Iowa offices, contact us today at 319-800-6877 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Andrews.