Rhinoplasty for Men

Although male and female rhinoplasty procedures are similar, the aesthetic goals can be quite different. Men undergoing rhinoplasty often do so to straighten the bridge of the nose or increase the width, giving them a more masculine appearance.

At Dr. Andrews Plastic Surgery, Dr. Andrews and his team will provide you with customized treatment to ensure you get the natural-looking results you’re looking for.

What is Rhinoplasty For Men?

With rhinoplasty for men, men can ensure that their nose complements their face and gives them the masculine nasal structure they’re seeking. The procedure can address nasal asymmetry by reshaping or resizing the nose to minimize imperfections and fix any structural problems that may affect breathing.

This type of rhinoplasty is different from rhinoplasty for women in that men typically want to keep a straighter bridge and a more masculine appearance, whereas women are looking for more delicate, feminine features. It’s also more common for men to have had some type of trauma to the nose that needs to be addressed with rhinoplasty.

Who is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty For Men?

While many men are good candidates for rhinoplasty, some qualifications make some men more ideal candidates than others. including:

  • Men who feel that their nose is too big, crooked, or has structural issues that cause breathing problems
  • Adults who are generally healthy
  • Men who don’t have any medical conditions that may interfere with the healing process
  • Men with realistic expectations and a positive outlook

During your consultation, Dr. Andrews will go through your medical history, examine your nose, and then determine whether you are a good candidate.


The Rhinoplasty For Men Procedure

Like most cosmetic procedures, a rhinoplasty will start with anesthesia. Dr. Andrews will then either perform an open or closed rhinoplasty. Which one is right for you depends on the changes that need to be made.

With a closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are hidden inside the nose, and an open rhinoplasty includes incisions made across the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils.

These incisions allow Dr. Andrews to raise the skin that covers the nasal structure (with an open rhinoplasty) to reshape it and give you the results you’re looking for. Bone and cartilage may also be removed, and when necessary, additional cartilage can be added with cartilage grafts. 

When all the changes are made, the incisions are closed, and you’re taken to the recovery room to begin the healing process. 


Right after the surgery, Dr. Andrews will provide you with instructions on how best to take care of your incisions and what to avoid during the recovery process. You will have some swelling and bruising and you may feel congested. These symptoms will go away after a few days. You will also schedule follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing.

You will want to avoid strenuous activities for the first few weeks and avoid laying on your side or your stomach when sleeping. Try to sleep with your head elevated as well.

While you may notice some differences in your nose right away, the final results can take up to a year or more to show up.

board-certified plastic surgeon


Dr. Kahlil Andrews is a board-certified plastic surgeon from Los Angeles specializing in plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

At his location in Coralville, Iowa, Dr. Andrews’ academic and technical achievements are only exceeded by his commitment to patient care. Whether they are seeking reconstructive breast surgery, outpatient injectable treatment, or a full-blown mommy makeover, Dr. Andrews gives his full attention and focus on achieving excellent patient outcomes.



I was treated better and with more respect than in any medical setting, I have previously experienced. They were compassionate, knowledgeable, and informative. I strongly recommend Dr. Andrews and his very capable team! – Sophia Joseph

I went to see Dr. Andrews recently. The entire staff was welcoming and friendly. Dr. Andrews took the time to explain to me my options and answered all my questions. I can’t wait to have my procedure. – Aleigha De Leon


Schedule A Consultation

For many male patients, small corrections to the nose can make huge improvements to how they breathe and how they see themselves when they look in the mirror. A rhinoplasty can be a life-changing procedure at Dr. Andrews Plastic Surgery.

To start the process today, call our Coralville, IA office at (319 )800-6877 or use our online scheduling form to book a consultation.

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