Plastic surgery shaming is alive and well, as evidenced by the recent barrage of messages directed at Meg Ryan after her appearance at the 2016 Tony Awards. For the record, Ryan has never admitted to having any kind of procedure – surgical or otherwise – but that does not stop many from putting their own judgment calls on her appearance and her assumed choices. Unfortunately, plastic surgery shaming is a negative practice that sends the wrong message to both men and women considering plastic surgical procedures today.
Prevalence of Plastic Surgery
Despite the fact that plastic surgery shaming is a common practice, more people are seeking cosmetic procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 1.5 million surgical procedures and 13.5 million non-surgical treatments performed in 2015. That marked a two-percent increase in the number of procedures performed over 2014.
Reasons for Plastic Surgery
One of the primary reasons for plastic surgery shaming is the assumption that anyone has a cosmetic procedure is doing so out of vanity and narcissism. However, some patients pursue plastic surgery for medical reasons as well, such as the woman who undergoes breast reduction to address shoulder and back pain or a man that has nose-reshaping surgery to improve his breathing. Others undergo aesthetic procedure to regain shape and form lost with pregnancy, weight loss, and aging. It is impossible to know what factors might have gone into a decision to move forward with a plastic surgery procedure.
Drawing the Line
Many of the people who shame others for having plastic surgery have had their own piercings or body art as a means of “expressing” themselves. It is hard to draw the line between experimenting with makeup and experimenting with dermal fillers. If cosmetic improvements are criticized, it becomes easy to criticize many rejuvenating procedures or techniques that are presumed to be acceptable to the “critics.”.
Reflection of Self-Love
Another assumption made is that people who have cosmetic procedures have pathologic self-image issues. However, that cannot be further from the truth in many cases. Numerous plastic surgery patients already have a healthy view of themselves, but decide to undergo a procedure as a way to put the finishing touch on a face or body that they have already learned to love.
The Power of Confidence
Those who see plastic surgery as a negative fail to realize just how powerful a confidence boost can be. That extra confidence achieved through a plastic surgical procedure may affect every aspect of one’s life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors. Just like the perfect shade of lipstick can help you shine, the right plastic surgical procedure can make you feel like you are putting your best face forward every single day.
Plastic surgery is not right for everyone. Some patients may be seeking surgery for the wrong reasons – such as to repair a broken relationship or to look like someone else. Others may have medical conditions or other concerns that deem them poor candidates for surgery. Still, others may simply choose not to spend their money on plastic surgery, opting for other ways to improve their appearance and their confidence instead.
However, just because plastic surgery is not right for one person does not mean it is not right for anyone. Those who make the choice to undergo a surgical procedure should not have to be subject to shame for their decision.
If you are considering plastic surgery or a non-surgical cosmetic treatment, Dr. Andrews can help. Contact Dr. Andrews Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery today at 855-338-0261 to find out how we can help you reach your aesthetic goals.