Liposuction has been touted as a safe and effective method of body contouring for some time, but now, two plastic surgeons have put the research behind the claims. Senior surgeons in different areas of the globe did their due diligence studying hundreds of liposuction patients to conclude that liposuction specifically of the hips, flanks and thighs has a high success rate with minimal risks.
About the Study
The surgeons, Yixin Zhang, MD, PhD, of Shanghai JiaoTong University and Manuel Francesco Castello, MD, of Clinica Villa Salaria, Rome, reported on their liposuction experiences with more than 4,000 patients. In their two decades of experience, the surgeons concluded that liposuction is a “reliable method with proven results.” They published their findings in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, which is an open-access journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
All of the patients observed in this study had liposuction procedures performed on the hips, flanks, thighs, or any combination of those areas. The surgeons followed the patients from their initial consultation through their post-operative care. In addition to focusing on the basic process of removing isolated pockets of fat, the plastic surgeons paid special attention to skin retraction after liposuction to achieve the smoothest, most natural results.
“If performed correctly, three-dimensional liposuction of the trunk, thighs and hips can yield very satisfying outcomes because of the excellent contour and enhanced skin retraction provided by the thin cutaneous (skin) adipose flap,” the authors were quoted as saying on the website for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Of the more than 4,000 patients treated by these surgeons, only one developed a serious complication from the procedure. That particular patient developed an infection that was successfully treated with antibiotics. Fifty other patients developed seromas, or fluid collections, which were effectively resolved by drainage.
Choosing the Right Surgeon for Your Procedure
While this research demonstrates the safety and efficacy of liposuction, it is important to choose an experienced, qualified surgeon for your procedure to ensure the best possible results. Dr. Andrews performs liposuction procedures regularly. With his years of experience performing liposuction, Dr. Andrews is able to customize each treatment to the unique needs and desired outcomes of his patients. His goal is to create a smoother, leaner contour in areas that have not responded to diet and exercise.
If you would like to sculpt areas of your body to create a more pleasing contour, Dr. Andrews can help. Contact Dr. Andrews Plastic Surgery at 319-800-6877 to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Andrews today.